Impressive growth Story


► Performance Highlights of the Micro Irrigation Scheme implemented by GGRC


Micro Irrigation Scheme (Drip and Sprinkler):


The Micro Irrigation Scheme in Gujarat is being implemented, in a uniform mode, by the Gujarat Green Revolution Company (GGRC), on behalf of the Government of Gujarat and the Government of India, since May-2005.  The Scheme is being implemented, in accordance with the provisions contained in the Government of Gujarat Resolution (GR) No. PRCH-102005-497-N dated 09.05.2005, to be read with GR No. PRCH-102005-497(38)-Part-2-N dated 31.03.2008. The GR provides for the implementation of the Scheme, in an integrated manner, with the provision of financial assistance to beneficiary farmers for adopting Micro Irrigation Systems viz. Drip/ Sprinkler/ Rain guns/ Porous pipes.


Objective and Implementation Strategy:


The State of Gujarat has a limited source of irrigation facilities. The main objective of the Micro Irrigation Scheme is to benefit the farmers by increasing agricultural production through the adoption of scientific water management techniques, and thereby to usher in the Second Green Revolution in Gujarat. In pursuance of this objective, the State Government has embarked upon Jal Sanchay Abhiyan, (Drive for Storage of Water) in which the Micro Irrigation Scheme is an integral part of the Programme.

The Scheme is being implemented with a uniform subsidy pattern of 50% of the Micro Irrigation System (MIS) cost or Rs 60,000/- per hectare, whichever is less. The tribal (ST) and Schedule Caste (SC) farmers are entitled to an additional subsidy of 25% of the MIS Cost or Rs. 90,000/- per hectare, whichever is less. In the Dark Zone area, 10% additional subsidy is provided to beneficiary farmers under the Scheme, which entitles them to avail subsidy at 60% of the MIS cost or Rs 60,000 per hectare, whichever is less.

The Micro Irrigation Scheme has been made more popular by providing electricity connections, on a priority basis, to those farmers who adopt Micro Irrigation Systems on their agricultural lands. This benefit has been availed by 1,16,146 farmers.

The unique features of the Scheme is the hand holding of the beneficiary farmer by facilitating  bank loan as per need and insurance coverage for the System as well as for the Beneficiary Farmer for a period of one year. The strength of the Scheme is its flexibility and transparency, wherein the farmer has the discretion to choose the type of MIS as per need whereby a single design that can cater to various crops. The farmer also has the liberty to choose the extent of area to be covered under MIS and the registered supplier who would install the Micro Irrigation System on the farmer’s field.

The Micro Irrigation Scheme, is being implemented with the assistance of reputed registered MIS suppliers, appointed by GGRC. These MIS suppliers, manufacture and install the Micro Irrigation System on the farmers’ field, which is inspected through third party inspection agencies. The MIS supplier besides providing the requisite equipment and agro-inputs also renders Agronomical services to the farmer for one year to enhance agricultural productivity and also maintain the System for a period of five years. With the implementation of the Micro Irrigation Scheme there has been a considerable enhancement in crop productivity, besides savings in the use of water, energy and other agricultural Inputs.


Implementation Profile:


Since the implementation of the Scheme in its present modality by GGRC (i.e.) w.e.f. May 2005, till 31.12.2014 a total number of 6,40,853 beneficiary farmers have adopted Micro Irrigation Systems (MIS) in a total area of 10,34,930 hectares. A total amount of Rs. 2866.43 crore (GoG  Rs.1843.61 crore + GoI Rs. 1022.81 crore) has been disbursed as subsidy under the scheme up to Dec-2014. In the Tribal areas 1,31,293 farmers have adopted Micro Irrigation System(s) over a cumulative area of 1,78,745 hectares.

Out of the total area of 10,34,930 hectares covered under the Micro Irrigation Scheme, 4,96,305 hectares has been covered under Drip Irrigation and 5,38,625 hectares under Sprinkler Irrigation. The major non horticulture crops, covered under the Micro Irrigation Scheme are Groundnut, Cotton, Sugarcane & castorwhile the majorhorticulture cropscovered under the scheme are Potato, Banana, Mango, Papaya and Vegetables.


► New Initiatives by GGRC:


Promotion and sales of Water Soluble Fertilizers 


GGRC has tied up with GSFC to make available Water Soluble Fertilizers (WSF) to MIS beneficiary farmers from GSFC depot/warehouse so as to enhance the fertilizer use efficiency coupled with reduction in fertilizer cost. Till date, a total of 82 MT WSF has been provided to the farmers.


Implementation of Pilot Project Scheme on Protected Cultivation


With a vision to generate daily income for the small and marginal farmers of the State, the Government of Gujarat entrusted GGRC to implement the Pilot Project on Protected Cultivation and issued a GR dated 08/08/2014.


Solar Pump for Irrigation


To provide power connection for lifting the water for agriculture irrigation purpose, an eco-friendly solution has been conceptualized in the form of providing Solar Energy based Pumping solution to lift water to irrigate the crops by the farmers. By doing this, in the area where grid of electricity line in not available can be brought under the electrification to irrigate the crops benefitting the farmers.


Promotion of Sardar Package


A package combining all the above components which includes

Micro Irrigation System - water, energy, labour, fertilizer saving technology coupled with the increase in the yield.

Solar Pump - Eco-friendly system to lift water through pump for agriculture irrigation.

Protected Cultivation Structure – to further save water, energy, labour coupled with high quality of produce with increase in yield.

Water Soluble Fertilizers – for precise use of fertilizers by the way of application through Drip Irrigation System to enhance fertilizer use efficiency.

Biofertilizers – to facilitate organic farming by using bio-fertilizers.

will be made available to the farmers in a package so as to save time of farmers in getting all the benefits at one place as well as to save time for the implementing agencies to implement the Schemes.


GGRC IT Consultancy Services


GGRC has implemented successfully their in-house developed IT Business Module (C-MIMS) popularly known as Gujarat Model for Micro Irrigation Scheme. Based on this, GGRC has started providing Customized Enterprise Resource Package (ERP) for Water Management and Agro Business or any business based project or Scheme in Government or Private Sector. Looking at the wider acceptability of the Module followed by GGRC;

 Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture, contacted GGRC to develop a monitoring system for its ongoing On Farm Water Management Scheme under NMSA.

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited, Gandhinagar appointed GGRC as a consultant to advise them on adopting GGRC module in their Under Ground Pipeline Sub-minor Scheme on a large scale.

Govt. of Karnataka, Dept. of Horticulture has appointed GGRC as consultant to develop Scheme implementation module.

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